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PoE networking requires Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE)
such as a PoE switches or hubs to provide the power to the
various PoE devices. A PoE capable switch is the most common
example of a PSE. Acting as a power transmitter, the PSE has
three main jobs:
• Detect a Power Device and determine its power level
• Supply adequate power according to the power level
• Monitor and stop power supply
Two types of PSE are defined in the standard, the end span
and the mid-span. An end span PSE is a PoE capable port that
carries both data and power on the link, while a mid-span PSE
stands between a common Ethernet port and a PoE device to
help inject power. The mid-span ofers a solution when adding
PoE to an existing network infrastructure without changing its
original confguration.
Power Sourcing Equipment